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For one reason or another, we put links on this page. Enjoy. Or don't. It's not like we'll be offended. In fact, do hate them. Hate them like you hate your syphilus. Hate them like you hate the Chinese. Just don't blame us when you claw your own eyes out to erase the retinal-burn image of the Lisa Frank logo. Think we're kidding? Click away, tough guy. |
Brunching Shuttlecocks | We have no idea why a shuttlecock might brunch, but these guys do. Smooth, dry comedy up the butt. |
College Girls: Cock Master 101 | We love sexy teens more than anyone. This site redefines sexual frustration. |
Pointless Waste of Time | Nobody does dialogue better than David Wong. Read, laugh, repeat. |
Exploding Dog | Sam is the best artist ever. Sit down, Kinkaid. There's a new Painter of Light© in town. |
Zeldman Dot Com | Jeffrey Zeldman is the most important designer on the web. This is not his opinion, this is ours and everyone elses. It's yours too, now. |
Old Man Murray | The withered curmudgeon of gaming humor. Erik is funnier than God, and Chet will break your funny bone with his big, meaty fists. |
Seanbaby Dot Com | If I were gay, and Seanbaby were gay, I'd stalk his hot vinyled ass. But since he's not and since I'm not, I can only dream. |
Pokey the Penguin | The funniest misuse of strike-through dialogue since Kierkegaard attacked Schlegel for leaving the seat up one summer in Vienna. Funnier, really. |
Penny Arcade | Gabe and Tycho almost make "funny" a household term. Go for the comic, stay for the funny. |

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