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Okay, folks. Sometimes Burning Circus likes to take a step back from the box of angry puppets and really look at the issues. I mean, this is more than just the drunken ramblings of a thousand monkeys using a thousand Speak-n-Spells. It's sometimes a hard, objective look at the heart of our darkness. Just beneath the thin skin of humor which we cower behind as a defensive mechanism, there lies a thoughtful soul that sips pearl milk tea and reads Cosmo. Or sometimes we're just a 15-year-old girl who treats her pussy like a U-Haul. The following, I want to stress, is not made up in any way. I tried everything I could think of to give myself up, but he swallowed it all and kept on sucking. Read it and weep. (Also, it's really really really long, but I just can't believe the thing, so I didn't cut any of it.) |
CPG2179: how bad you asking for it?
Stilly: ooh so bad baby
CPG2179: got a pic?
CPG2179: your profile says your male...
Stilly: It sez that b/c I dont like to be harased all the time
Stilly: cause when your 15/f peeple do that
CPG2179: oh.. well go t a pic?
CPG2179: true... well how do you like it?
Stilly: yes, but it is bad and fuzzy, from my digital cam
Stilly: mom got it for me for my batmistfa
CPG2179: i will take it
Stilly: the harasmint kinda is weird. sometimes I am scared a little. but actually it's nice sometimes
Stilly: hold on, I have to figure it out
Stilly: let me turn my ball camera on
CPG2179: well i understand..
Stilly: oo, it's behind the disk
Stilly: hee hee, I mean desk
Stilly: do I send it to u thru email?
CPG2179: you sound blonde
Stilly: I am!
Stilly: how did you no?
CPG2179: yes...
Stilly: okay, one sex
CPG2179: just a guess
Stilly: omg!!
Stilly: sec I meant
Stilly: I'm bad
CPG2179: sure..
CPG2179: you need to be spanxed
Stilly: hee hee. somebody said that too me the other day
Stilly: but he lived in oregun
Stilly: :)
CPG2179: well, you have to worry about nothing.. I am stuck in hawaii
Stilly: almost done. soo soorry takes long
Stilly: I just got it
CPG2179: me and my skinny tan body
Stilly: too
Stilly: oo
Stilly: you have a tan body?
Stilly: I like tan bodies lots
Stilly: there...
Stilly: tell me iff it works okay, tan body? :)
Stilly: it's kinda fuzzy
CPG2179: i goto the beach everyday...
Stilly: cool! the beach is great. I have a bikini that I lik so much! it's black and so tiny
Stilly: the boys like it too, but I just like to wear it for me
CPG2179: wow.. you look hot..
CPG2179: can i see you in it?
Stilly: sometimes I flash a little with the bra part
Stilly: I can't cause its at my beach house
CPG2179: oh.. you are turning me on..
Stilly: also my little sister is in the room with me! she would probably laugh or get scared
Stilly: :) hee hee, how did I do that??
CPG2179: just thinking about what you flashing ur bra
Stilly: hee, ya I would maybe do taht but my sister! hee hee she would be like 'omg tina, do not do that to peeple online! they are perverts!!'
Stilly: so what do you look like tan boy?
Stilly: omg, what is ur age??
CPG2179: well, maybe you could push her out for a sec... or so.. but what ever floats yoru boat.. I am about 5'9" i could was clothes on my stomach.. i surf.. and I am 16
Stilly: my mom got mad the other day b/c a man who wuz 34 asked me to hold my underwear up to the web cam
CPG2179: how did she find out?
Stilly: she walked in when I was putting them back on
Stilly: and I cannot lie to momm!
Stilly: she is like the best! my best freind for sure
CPG2179: oh.. when would I get a chance to see that...
Stilly: so why do you talk to girls on-line aol?
Stilly: hee hee :) my sister is watching pokemon, so maybe not for a bit
CPG2179: i like to talk to girls to make new friends.. i lthink that talkign to girls instead of guys is a lot better..
Stilly: oo, why is that? do you ask them to have sexx with u?
CPG2179: if they want to, i let them start the conversation on that..
Stilly: oo, you are a bad boy, mister
Stilly: do they have sex with you then?
CPG2179: some have...
CPG2179: have you everhad sex with a guy?
Stilly: wow you must be quite handsome, tan boy! send me a pic?
CPG2179: i can't, my scanner broke..
Stilly: nooo.. :) but very close twice! :) one time was when I was at school
Stilly: you can''t?? no pic from before?
CPG2179: naughty girl.. no sorry 0-:
CPG2179: )-:
Stilly: ooh, too bad. it is hard to have a picture of you in my head . tell me what you look like
CPG2179: i have brown hair, well defined,(all the way around) tan body, strong legs,good for surfing
Stilly: wowie! that's funkaliscious!
Stilly: yum yum
CPG2179: i only wish i had a pic...
Stilly: aw, yeah. that would be nice
Stilly: have u had sex with girls?
Stilly: in real life?+
CPG2179: when will i get a sexond pic? and I have had it twice thats it...
CPG2179: opps.. second
Stilly: twice? with same girl?
CPG2179: yes...
Stilly: why not more? you didn't lik it?

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