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Okay, folks. Sometimes Burning Circus likes to take a step back from the box of angry puppets and really look at the issues. I mean, this is more than just the drunken ramblings of a thousand monkeys using a thousand Speak-n-Spells. It's sometimes a hard, objective look at the heart of our darkness. Just beneath the thin skin of humor which we cower behind as a defensive mechanism, there lies a thoughtful soul that sips pearl milk tea and reads Cosmo. Or sometimes we're just a 15-year-old girl who treats her pussy like a U-Haul. The following, I want to stress, is not made up in any way. I tried everything I could think of to give myself up, but he swallowed it all and kept on sucking. Read it and weep. (Also, it's really really really long, but I just can't believe the thing, so I didn't cut any of it.) |
Stilly: okay, another pic. hold on :)
CPG2179: oh, i like it..its just i have only done it recently... within the past few months... she left to the mainland.. she left to goto North Dokota
CPG2179: i am going to add you to my list..
Stilly: okee, but this is not the account I ever use
Stilly: I usally use 'wolfshiem'
Stilly: it's from the best bok in the world!!
CPG2179: whats it about?
Stilly: it's about this guy who's in irelund and he's funny and he buys soap and things and he look at girlls
Stilly: and in the end he pees on the side of a house :)
Stilly: did u get the secont picture?
CPG2179: what kinda of book is it?
CPG2179: yes.. and you look real cute.. i feel bad cause i don't have apic for you..
Stilly: yeah, tan man, what up?? thats okay ;)
Stilly: so what would you do if I was totally naked and dipped in chocolit?
CPG2179: i am getting my pic fixed sometime next week though
CPG2179: i would eat you all up...from head to toe...
CPG2179: just thinking about that make me crazy...
Stilly: oo, yummy. what if I was covered in chocolit and sand?
 | When I think ab-out me, I touch my-self Ooooh oh. |
CPG2179: well, i would ahve to take you out to the deep water with me to wash the sand off, and take you out to my special little island i have tucked away that i goto and hid sometime....
CPG2179: from there, i would eat you all up... clean you uyp with my tongue
Stilly: sexy! I am feeling warm. that is nice
Stilly: :)
Stilly: what if it was honey and sand? and also I had a big band-aide on my arm?
Stilly: would you walk out and not call me?
CPG2179: well, i have a little mattress out there, you would love it.. a place where i run around naked lots of times..
Stilly: a mattress?? that's a llittle dirty!
CPG2179: I would have kiss your boo boo, like the honey off of you and givev you a sponge bath..
Stilly: oh wow. that sonds nice@! I mite want to 'almost' have sex with you to! hee hee
Stilly: if my uncle says its okay
CPG2179: well, i would buy you flowers.. .. what are your favorite flowers?
Stilly: my favorit flowers are prolly red roses. it's plain, I no, but they're great! remind me of touching a boy
CPG2179: is poke mon over yet?
Stilly: because th e last boy what gave me roses I kissed his pee pee :)
Stilly: no, it started only a bit ago
CPG2179: well then, if i had your adddress, i would send you flowers..
CPG2179: and some chocolate
Stilly: I would smear it on me! and tehn we have sex on the island?
Stilly: with no sand :)3
Stilly: but maybe I should be careful of my bandaid
CPG2179: works with me... :-)
CPG2179: why do you hurt? i feel for you? :-(
Stilly: aw, thanks :) it's not a big deal. actually the4 bandaid is on mky foot
Stilly: it's from the racoon trap my daddy had too put out
Stilly: :(
CPG2179: what happened? if i kissed it, would it feel better?
Stilly: oo, I don't know. I hope so!!! I want you to kiss me all over but the docter says it won't get better for a long timewould i get another pic?
Stilly: lik 6 weeks maybe or more
Stilly: I lost three toes and half of my foot in the trap but I can sorta walk okay
Stilly: it's gross tho!
CPG2179: well, bring your foot over here.. on sexond thought.. i mean second thought, I will come over and kiss it.
Stilly: omg! you are such a gentleman!!
Stilly: you sed sexond!! :)
Stilly: you make me want to have sex wit you!! and I have not wanted that in about three weeks!
CPG2179: i am so bad...
CPG2179: wait till you see a pic of me.. it will drive you crazy..
Stilly: oo! I am crazy for your hot bone! how long is it????
CPG2179: it is 7ins when it is not hard..
CPG2179: do me a favor,close your eyes.
Stilly: okaay..... I have them closed:)
CPG2179: now with your eyes closed, pic up your foot, and imagine me kissing them...
Stilly: I cansta tyoe too wellll whein mky eyes are closed who///
Stilly: awit, I have to read what you say
Stilly: omg 7 inches!!! that's long than uncle jeremy's!!
Stilly: longer, I mean hee:)
Stilly: sorr so bad sellingp
CPG2179: have you seen his?
Stilly: yes, bu
Stilly: omg, I did not say it
Stilly: he said no talking about it
Stilly: but I gess he only said not to say to my mom and daddy

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