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Okay, folks. Sometimes Burning Circus likes to take a step back from the box of angry puppets and really look at the issues. I mean, this is more than just the drunken ramblings of a thousand monkeys using a thousand Speak-n-Spells. It's sometimes a hard, objective look at the heart of our darkness. Just beneath the thin skin of humor which we cower behind as a defensive mechanism, there lies a thoughtful soul that sips pearl milk tea and reads Cosmo. Or sometimes we're just a 15-year-old girl who treats her pussy like a U-Haul. The following, I want to stress, is not made up in any way. I tried everything I could think of to give myself up, but he swallowed it all and kept on sucking. Read it and weep. (Also, it's really really really long, but I just can't believe the thing, so I didn't cut any of it.) |
Stilly: Haha, that was fun. :) Sure ya do, buddy.
CPG2179: ttfn
Stilly: Anyway, i'm taking my neice
Stilly: and we can forget we had this conversation, yes chris?
CPG2179: go right ahead.. i am fucking my cuzin
CPG2179: is she a good little bitch?
Stilly: All in the family, son.
CPG2179: incest is the best
Stilly: Tina is the best lay I've had in years.
CPG2179: she is a cute one man...
 | Uncle Jeremy, artist's conception. (by
Francis Worm, age 7) |
Stilly: Never says a word
Stilly: Does what I say. Get this:
CPG2179: won't...
Stilly: The bitch thinks I'm in love with her. :)
CPG2179: so she tells me..
Stilly: She's got no fucking clue is what she's got.
Stilly: I hate my brother anyway. AND his cocksucking kid.
CPG2179: hey..could you send me so pics of her?
CPG2179: i can't stand my uncle..on my dads side..he has a cute daughter..and he don't know that we are fucking
Stilly: Sorry, I think she's through for tonight. She knows how well she's treated.
CPG2179: well maybe some other time..
Stilly: Please though, Chris.
Stilly: Don't contact her anymore through this address or any other.
CPG2179: i will make an deal with you..
Stilly: I will go through the rest of this tonight; I just skimmed some bits.
CPG2179: i will keep out of hers and your business if you send me some pics of her naked...
CPG2179: thats all it takes..
Stilly: That's a fucked up proposition, boy. Do you have any idea what her father would do to me?
CPG2179: he won't have to know....
CPG2179: I am an expert at computers... in fact I have the ip address that we are talking to each other on now..
Stilly: Chris, I hope you understand my position. I am not really in the position to send incriminating things to anyone.
CPG2179: well then, I will tell the police to trace the following ip address and we can be done with... nice talking to you...
Stilly: Besides, my brother uses a cable service that uses DHCP
CPG2179: that is the only set of numbers that I have to do
CPG2179: bro.. every computer comunicates thro an ip address...
Stilly: Exactly. And a DHCP connection changes that number with every new packet-to-packet socket connection.
CPG2179: ever heard of the command of trace rt?
Stilly: When I restart this computer, the IP address will change. I was a computer engineer for 16 years.
CPG2179: it hopes around until it finds the right ip address...even then, bro..all i have to do is just follow the email address.. don't fuck with me.. i am sending the email now.. Thank you and have a nice day....
Stilly: Okay Chris, you win.
Stilly: I've got a few pictures.
Stilly: I'll send them when I can get to a computer that is not in this household.
CPG2179: ok.. when can I expect them by?
Stilly: I will be in the office on Monday. I'll see what I can do then.
Stilly: But CHRIS. I can trace you too: we have a deal. No authorities.
Stilly: And you leave my lovely alone.
CPG2179: well.. so that we understand eachother, send them to the following email address
CPG2179: you have until TUes.. I will be looking..
Stilly: Okay, which.
Stilly: Got it.
Stilly: Chris, I mean it. She's mine.
CPG2179: if i don't get anything, I will start talking to her again...
Stilly: She always will be, with or without those toes.
CPG2179: and you won't be able to stop me
Stilly: You'll get something. I might be fucking my neice, but I am a man of honor and of my word.
CPG2179: ok as I... so good day to you sir. I expect pics by monday..latest is tues....
>tips hat to you<
Stilly: Okay. And you show NOBODY, and I mean that.
CPG2179: show anybody what?
Stilly: We're one and the same, Chris.
CPG2179: i have no idea on what you are talking about...
Stilly: Her pictures.
Stilly: Ah, yes. :)
CPG2179: what ever do you mean..
Stilly: That's the idea.
CPG2179: talk to you later jeremy
Stilly: Oh Chris, one more thing?
CPG2179: yes
Stilly: Are you really 16 and from Hawaii? I wonder who fantacizes about her.
CPG2179: well, I am under age... or am I.. info about me will never be revealed...
Stilly: I wonder just how double-edge the IP sword is, but we don't have to worry, right?
CPG2179: right... I will tell you this.. i have connections with army ISO's that carry security clearnce that can tap lines.. they do these things for fun.. all i have to do is say, hey, i want a private tour... but I don't need one. RiGHT?
Stilly: Haha, sure kid, whatever you say. You'll get your pics you dirty fucking pervert.
CPG2179: look whos talking
CPG2179: i like you man...
CPG2179: hahaha
Stilly: Heh, I'll let that slide.
CPG2179: have a good day Jeremy
CPG2179: Remember man.. Monday...
Stilly: You too. Take care, Chris.
Stilly: You got it.
Stilly: :)

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