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Okay, folks. Sometimes Burning Circus likes to take a step back from the box of angry puppets and really look at the issues. I mean, this is more than just the drunken ramblings of a thousand monkeys using a thousand Speak-n-Spells. It's sometimes a hard, objective look at the heart of our darkness. Just beneath the thin skin of humor which we cower behind as a defensive mechanism, there lies a thoughtful soul that sips pearl milk tea and reads Cosmo. Or sometimes we're just a 15-year-old girl who treats her pussy like a U-Haul. The following, I want to stress, is not made up in any way. I tried everything I could think of to give myself up, but he swallowed it all and kept on sucking. Read it and weep. (Also, it's really really really long, but I just can't believe the thing, so I didn't cut any of it.) |
CPG2179: no its not..but I am back..
Stilly: I wated soo long and now I am not so hot anymore for you..
Stilly: b/c you left me waiting
CPG2179: sorry to hear that :-(
Stilly: I even took out the keys and the pens cause it was starting to feel bad and I was WATING for sooooooo lonoong :(
CPG2179: sorry... i am going to cry now.. .
Stilly: I wanted to touch myself before but not anymore! now I want my uncle only! I konw that he loves me. LOVES
Stilly: did you masturbate before when we were talking?3
Stilly: di you?????
Stilly: tell me truth
CPG2179: while we were yes..
Stilly: did you finish??
Stilly: hello??
Stilly: you leave me again. I don't want to talk to boys on-line AOL anymore
CPG2179: no.. i lost it..
CPG2179: sorry.. i was upgradeing my system and dreaming of you..
Stilly: that's fairly contradictory, don't you think?
CPG2179: no.. i never finished..and i was hoping to pick it back up..
Stilly: I do not want to touch myself anymore, even with pens or nothing.
CPG2179: oh.. i am sorry baby... please forgive me...
Stilly: at least my uncle finished quicker! ;(
Stilly: my tan boy...waht will I do with u?
CPG2179: longer is better..trust me..
CPG2179: love me...
Stilly: i dunno...
CPG2179: you could love me unconditionally
CPG2179: i will treat you better
Stilly: will you treat me better than uncle jeremy?? he is in LOVE with me!!
CPG2179: yes i will
CPG2179: i will love you better and the right way...
Stilly: like in the ass? I could war that bikini and pull the string to a side?
Stilly: and you put your man-rod in me and slam it into me?
CPG2179: yes..in the ass..
Stilly: i like love very much
CPG2179: hard very hard..
Stilly: will you put things in my hole?
 | I am harboring a mexican refugee camp in my hole. |
Stilly: like big things if I ask you to?
CPG2179: i will put watermelons in there if you asked me to..
Stilly: how about a buik? buick? is that how u spell it?>
Stilly: maybe u put a tiny cuban boy in it too???
CPG2179: yes.. i will shove a semi - truck in it..
CPG2179: my pee pee will be the cuban boy..
Stilly: and put things in my ass, like a house and what is the big planit oh yeah jupiter?
Stilly: hee hee! will you pretend you are somebuddy famous for me??? like a supersatr like janet jackson or lik ronnie reagan??
CPG2179: yes.. i will get in it myself... just to show you i love you...
Stilly: my uncle loves reagan and he makes me call him 'ronnie' and he calls me 'bonzo' sometim but I don't know why
Stilly: but u will do that too, tan surfer cockman?
CPG2179: will you show me another pic of yourself please?
CPG2179: i want to see you again..
Stilly: ooh, I guess. I put on another shirt tho cause I 'm getting ready for bed
CPG2179: wait not yet.. where is your sister?
Stilly: she is sleeping here tonite b/c is it late and she is afriad of my uncle
CPG2179: well is she sleepig nwo?
CPG2179: now?
Stilly: there!
Stilly: I am in my pjs
Stilly: no, she is singing a song to herself
Stilly: 'Back the fuck up' by 2livecrew I think
Stilly: but I do not no her music very well
CPG2179: well, will yo send me a good pic(if you know what I mean) later tonight.. i will be on.. its onlyone in the morning for me...
Stilly: I am going to bed soon...it is 4 here...
CPG2179: when can i see you again?
Stilly: I want to get in bed where I can rub my love spot on the bed before I sleep
Stilly: anytim..I'm usually on as 'wolfshiem'
Stilly: we can fuck some day???
CPG2179: please tho , i must know when can i see you again?
CPG2179: thank you ... i want to see full naked pics of you.. some day..
Stilly: hee hee! wait a sec I have to brush my teeeth!
CPG2179: i would wait forever foor you honey
CPG2179: i miss you...
CPG2179: i want to see you again... send you sister to brush her teeth and show me a good pic....hehe....make me want you here..now....
CPG2179: hello?
Stilly: hi! sorry
CPG2179: i missed you
Stilly: aw! I am asd
Stilly: asdfasdgsarhgdaha gsdf
Stilly: k;llkpp[k;p
CPG2179: i will feel better if i can see you again.. maek your sister brush her teeth
CPG2179: i need to see you.. i won't be able to sleep with out seeing you..
Stilly: WHO IS THIS?
Stilly: Oh my god.
Stilly: What have you been telling my niece?
Stilly: FUCK that girl!
Stilly: I knew she would tell someone. WHO Is this?
Stilly: Are you one of her friends? SO HELP ME I will hunt you down! Goddamn I am taking it out on this girl tonight. IT's the FIREHOSE for this sorry slutty girl.
CPG2179: i am the crazy mother fucker that will rip your fucken balls off if i hear that you laid one fucken finger on her ass that is who i am.. got me old balls?
Stilly: Excuse me. EXCUSE me. Do you know who I am!?
CPG2179: you can stare at my profile all you want.. that won't tell you who i am.. do you know who i am?
Stilly: I HAVE your name. Chris, so help me, I'll fucking kill you before you get to her. She's mine, hear, boy, MINE.
CPG2179: Let me ask you this. Have you ever heard of INCEST? I believe you have
CPG2179: I have the info that I need.. I have it all recorded... I have everything I need to prosecute your ass to put you behind bars.. and they don't retreat child melestors to well... boy...
Stilly: Oh by the way. Do you like my black bikini? It's a special pokemon variety.
Stilly: :) Tee hee.
CPG2179: never seen it
Stilly: That was fun. Okay, now you be the girl, and I'll be the poor young guy from Hawaii, okay?
CPG2179: no.. i am tired of pretending that I am from hawaii...
Stilly: You are not from Hawaii?
CPG2179: I am tired of pretending that I am a guy..
Stilly: Is that so?
CPG2179: i want to be myself... a 17yr female from ND
CPG2179: name is Christy
Stilly: Sweet. Wanna hook up baby?
CPG2179: no.. you are not my type cock sucker...hehe...
CPG2179: i love to fuck with people..
CPG2179: let cheese dick

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