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Okay, folks. Sometimes Burning Circus likes to take a step back from the box of angry puppets and really look at the issues. I mean, this is more than just the drunken ramblings of a thousand monkeys using a thousand Speak-n-Spells. It's sometimes a hard, objective look at the heart of our darkness. Just beneath the thin skin of humor which we cower behind as a defensive mechanism, there lies a thoughtful soul that sips pearl milk tea and reads Cosmo. Or sometimes we're just a 15-year-old girl who treats her pussy like a U-Haul. The following, I want to stress, is not made up in any way. I tried everything I could think of to give myself up, but he swallowed it all and kept on sucking. Read it and weep. (Also, it's really really really long, but I just can't believe the thing, so I didn't cut any of it.) |
CPG2179: how did you see it.. on purpose? or what... i don't care..
CPG2179: i am interested on how you saw it..
Stilly: he was getting out of the shower..
CPG2179: and?
Stilly: and then he said 'do you want to look at it?' sorry I type slow sometimes
Stilly: I said no, but he didn't mind showing me anyway
CPG2179: what did you think about it?
Stilly: um, it was okay, but it was much more wrinkly than the other boys peepees tahat I have seen
Stilly: also, he put it in my hand
CPG2179: casue he is old..
Stilly: and told me 'feel that? you don't know just yet, but someday you will beg for a manrod like this cock'
Stilly: I think that is wahat he said
Stilly: but I dont' remember very well
CPG2179: how old were you?
Stilly: um, april or somethign I think
Stilly: last month? I forget
Stilly: he shows me more sometimes now
CPG2179: wow
 | If I wasn't spraying puss across the room from my mutilated foot, I'd probably jump this Hasselhoff acolyte. Or put a television in my vagina. |
Stilly: yes, but I only have to touch it if he makes it like a 'rod'
Stilly: my mom thinks we lplay playstation in the shed
CPG2179: hehe
Stilly: yes, but he pulss my hair sometims
Stilly: anyway, maybe we talk about the beach again?
CPG2179: sure...
CPG2179: i think that you would look great in a bikini
Stilly: I don't like to talk about my uncle b/c he wants to have sex with me and it feels wierd to talk about it
CPG2179: on my beach..
Stilly: oo I do! my uncle makes me wear my black bikini sometims
CPG2179: don't worry, i won't say another word..
Stilly: oh but the beach :)
Stilly: o kay
CPG2179: what does the black bikinin look like?
Stilly: it is very tiny an din the back, it is just a string
Stilly: you can almost see my ass hole!
Stilly: if I bend over
Stilly: but I don't very much
Stilly: cuz of that
CPG2179: would you bend over for me...?
Stilly: :)
Stilly: oo, notty tan boy!!
CPG2179: hehe... where you from orginally?
Stilly: I am from californa, malibu
CPG2179: you sound like you have some german in you?
Stilly: do you have a nice ass? I lik a nice tight but
Stilly: yes! my grandmom was from german. she is very old now
CPG2179: my mom does not like me to where my jeans.. but I love them.. they fit nice a tight.. i have won money from tight ass contest..
CPG2179: qeustion.. do you sleep on your stomach?
Stilly: I sleep all different ways, I guess. I dnot ware clothes tho
CPG2179: well.. in order for this to work.. i need to know.. cause i fyou sleep on your stomach, I sleep on my back...if not, then I can sleep on my stomach
Stilly: I usally sleep on my tummy. but because mky leg has to sit in a pan and collect liquid I sleep on my back sometims cuz its easier
Stilly: we have to empty the pan in the mornings
CPG2179: oh.. what liquids? from yoru foot?
Stilly: yes, it is the yellow clear stuff it's REEELLLY gross. and sometimes I hav to drain it in the toilet
Stilly: cause it's so bad
Stilly: but its getting beter now
Stilly: sorta
CPG2179: cool
CPG2179: i hope it gets better soon
Stilly: thank you but I geuss the toes are not coming back. I was so sad when I herd that
Stilly: maybe it is not too bad tho...
CPG2179: sorry to hear that too
CPG2179: if you have good spirits about it, it will heal quicker
Stilly: yes, it is not godd. it wuz b/c they did not find me for about 1 and half a day
Stilly: it was at the cabin
CPG2179: oh..
Stilly: but it was okay its jus that they thought I had 'gangrine
Stilly: or somthin. I got so hungry thou... and I yelled so much
CPG2179: i bet..
Stilly: mom wanted to take me to a doctor who talks aboutit
CPG2179: and?
Stilly: I did not go
Stilly: b/c i didn't want to talk baoit it
Stilly: cause of my uncle
Stilly: he wuz the one that left me in the cabin
CPG2179: why?
Stilly: cuz on acount of that I woud not take a shoer with him
CPG2179: thats messed up..
CPG2179: i don't blame you for not taking one with him..
Stilly: yeah but he loves me
Stilly: yes, we had sex two times but the shower wuz so dirty that i didnt want to
Stilly: also i wauz crying sorta
CPG2179: poor baby...
CPG2179: you can cry on my should if you need to..
Stilly: aw, I would do that. :) you are so nice!!! would you kill my uncle for me?
Stilly: not for real, but would you?
CPG2179: yeah... sure.. ::-)
Stilly: hee hee! you are a man not a tan boy :) will sex be good wit you??
CPG2179: as a payment.. sure as hell would...hehehe
Stilly: as good as with uncle jeremy?
CPG2179: hey guess what...
Stilly: it better be!!
Stilly: what what??
Stilly: you will pull your pants down for me???
Stilly: I will show you my bikini string!!
CPG2179: sure will but already am in my underwearr... you are missing a pic. ok.. and i have my tongue pierced..
Stilly: oo! I love a pierced tonge! it makes my 'clit' wettt!!! is that what you boys call it??

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