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Okay, folks. Sometimes Burning Circus likes to take a step back from the box of angry puppets and really look at the issues. I mean, this is more than just the drunken ramblings of a thousand monkeys using a thousand Speak-n-Spells. It's sometimes a hard, objective look at the heart of our darkness. Just beneath the thin skin of humor which we cower behind as a defensive mechanism, there lies a thoughtful soul that sips pearl milk tea and reads Cosmo. Or sometimes we're just a 15-year-old girl who treats her pussy like a U-Haul. The following, I want to stress, is not made up in any way. I tried everything I could think of to give myself up, but he swallowed it all and kept on sucking. Read it and weep. (Also, it's really really really long, but I just can't believe the thing, so I didn't cut any of it.) |
CPG2179: yep?!?!?!
Stilly: hee hee :)
Stilly: that is funny
CPG2179: so can i see you in your bikini string?
Stilly: hee hee, my sis started another show of pokemon
Stilly: she loves it
CPG2179: dang... you should kick her out for a good ten mins....
Stilly: hee hee! ya, but I cant because she woud tell momom
CPG2179: oh.. ok.. where is the tv?
Stilly: but I will touch my hole if you want??
CPG2179: would you.. just imagine its me..
Stilly: is it on the sid of the room ...but still my sitser mite see
Stilly: hee heeokay hold on
CPG2179: oh.. well don't get your self in trouble..
Stilly: oooh it's wet and opened up
Stilly: but I shouldn't!!
Stilly: I forgot
Stilly: my uncle
CPG2179: what about him?
Stilly: he said that my 'love canyon' is his only and that I can not show it to n e boddy else or have ne one touch it
Stilly: except him
CPG2179: i won't tell...
Stilly: maybe I go ask if it's okay? I dont no if hes from the bars yet
Stilly: I mean home from them
Stilly: he drinks a wollop!
Stilly: sometims he taks me to his room after
CPG2179: well, are you wearing a dress? if so take a pic of your underwear ...
Stilly: and he lies on me
CPG2179: take a pic of you two with your digital camera... i owuld like to see
Stilly: I am waring long underswere but I cant
Stilly: b/c I am emberrased about my leg
CPG2179: don't be.. you are very beautiful...
Stilly: hee hee, shucks. all the boys say that to get me to touch there cock
CPG2179: well i am no where near.. so i can't say it for that reason.. I mean it.. you are very beautiful
Stilly: hee hee! that iss so nice! thank u!!!
CPG2179: your welcome..
Stilly: if you were hear I woud touch your cock a lot ne way
Stilly: and maybe I woud have you put it in me?
CPG2179: well thank you..
Stilly: in my ass maybe so I am still a vergin?
CPG2179: and i would not put it in you, i would ram it in. you.. can i see it still?
Stilly: can u see what? my cast?? I will not show that to you mister!
Stilly: I am embarrassed!!!
CPG2179: well I was talking about your whats under your underewear
Stilly: oh that! no problim
Stilly: I show that to anybody
Stilly: at school
Stilly: well...
CPG2179: cool...)-: i am not at school
Stilly: i did until uncle jeremy told me no to
 | I have an Office Depot in my hole. |
Stilly: hee hee! I just put a pen in my hole!!
Stilly: in my underware!!
Stilly: my sister did not noctic
CPG2179: naughty girl.. take apic of it.. i want to see..
Stilly: i cant cause she mite see
CPG2179: turn the chair the other way...
CPG2179: your back towards her...
Stilly: oo! I will stand up
Stilly: and put anohter in me!!
Stilly: do tyou want that??
CPG2179: yes.. i wan to see to..
CPG2179: how old is your sister?
Stilly: she is 6 year old
Stilly: hold on, I will stand up and put cam on timer
Stilly: ...
CPG2179: oh... i see..
Stilly: there
Stilly: I send
Stilly: I put my house key in now :)
Stilly: it is kinda sharp
CPG2179: all i see is a pic of your face..
CPG2179: a very beautiful one at taht...
Stilly: sorree I was moving and did not no when the timer go off
Stilly: but lets talk about the island!!
Stilly: when we hae sex, what tools will you use!!
Stilly: you will ram other things in me with your pee pee may be?
CPG2179: yes.. anything you could handle..
Stilly: I put an apricot in once time!! well, my uncle did
Stilly: but it hurts so mkuch
Stilly: but he said he had to so that it would make me love him
CPG2179: have you everr sucked on yoru uncles pee pee?
Stilly: oh yes all th etime. most days
Stilly: but only have I sex with him just 6 or 7 time
Stilly: and it was only in the ass
Stilly: so that I am still virgen :)
CPG2179: well come to hawaii..and i can chnage that..
Stilly: tHAT hurts a lot but kinda in a good way?
Stilly: hee hee! when we are in a cabin, will you put the garden hose in my hole too?
CPG2179: i will put what ever you want.. wax on you if you want..
Stilly: he turned it on and made me so wet and cold! hee hee but thenhe put it in me and it was very warm and nice
Stilly: until he hit me a little bit?
CPG2179: i want you to make me cum...
Stilly: just to 'make it feel good for him' he said I think
Stilly: will you put a fist in it?
Stilly: my undle tried that one tim
Stilly: and then he moved it sinside and turned it all around
CPG2179: yes i will what ever you want honey
Stilly: but it hurt kinda the first time bcause I was so small of a hole you know?
CPG2179: i would stick my pee pee in you with my fist.. i would but a big bottle down..
Stilly: and the second tim it hurt b/c he had a watch on! it was sharp and then
Stilly: was mad b/c it was 'rolix' and so he hit me
Stilly: but he said he 'loved me enuff to put his man-rod in every part of me' is what he said I think but I think love it more like just in the ass you know?
Stilly: would you put your whole head in my hole? if you could?
Stilly: i do not no if that will fitt
CPG2179: if i could ii i know i can..
Stilly: wow!! woudl you put maybe a stuffed animal or something
??!! oo this is sexy would you put a whole CD case in it tooo??
Stilly: are you touching yourself???!!!??!
Stilly: hello??
Stilly: tan boy my tan boy!.
Stilly: ouch! I just put in my small calculater...it is a bad fit and hurt..I will tak it outnow.. :(
Stilly: where di you go?
CPG2179: got booted
Stilly: that is no good!

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